Today I went to a local used car lot. Me and my fiancee (Emma) and my little baby boy (Macon) were just glancing around at cars and considering getting rid of our 2004 Pontiac Sunfire. Now this car was truly evil. My fiancee had hit two poles in it plus my grandmother backed into the front drivers side, the brakes were bad and the check engine light was on. So we wanted to get rid of this car before anything worse happened.
We were looking at a Hyundai Elantra and a PT Cruiser when a man approached us, "Excuse me, Is that your sunfire over there?" He asked, pointing to the car. We acknowledged and he said somewhat somberly. "Well I just backed into it! Almost missed it but I got it right on the front passengers side".
At this point we really didnt care. But obviously the man did, as it turned out, he owned the lot. He agreed to give us a hefty trade value for it in return for not reporting it to our insurance.
The typical car buying experience took place after that. With several test drives we finally settled on the PT Cruiser. The main issue was however, that I have no clue how to drive a stick. My fiancee is more than happy to be my personal driver until I can learn so we settled on it.
Currently the vehicle is fully stock. We took it quickly after we bought it and got it checked out at a local meineke. Of course as with most used car dealerships they fixed what you could see and hid what you couldnt see. So since it has 92222 miles on it we will need the timing belt replaced soon as well as the water pump and the drivers side front wheel baring. But for now we got the serpentine belt replaced and some fluids flushed. Cost of that service was only $250. Not bad!
So why start a blog you ask? Simply because I want to document all of my experiences with trying to repair a car with no experience. As well as let others laugh at my attempts to be able to drive a manual transmission. I plan on doing so many things to my vehicle that it only really makes since to put what I do here and occasionally some advice for anyone who would so happen to be just like me.
So in the week since I've had my car ive already done quite alot on it. Ill get you up to date over the next few posts but for now ill leave you with some pictures of my new PT Fresh from the lot.
Hi - thank you for writing your blog!! I've also chosen a PT Cruiser as my "learning about cars" car and am excited to spruce it up (once said Cruiser is found and bought and in my hot little hands). Hope you are continuing to enjoy your pickled PT :)